"I Lost 150 Pounds 12 Years Ago, and Kept It Off. I Can Show You How to Do It Also."



Call for Free Consultation!

CALL US AT 516-986-9512

Here's How It Works

Let this be the last program you try if you are serious about losing weight.

Learn why we are different than ANY other weight loss program you have ever heard of!

This is an all-natural, non-drug, non-surgical, doctor monitored program that is customized for each individual patient, based upon their weight, age, and other health conditions.

It has been successful in helping thousands of patients lose weight, regain their health, and get their lives back for good. 

Dr. Howard Goodman, a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic, has over 20 years of experience working with patients in his Park Avenue Manhattan location and now right here on Long Island. Discover the science behind our program, why it works, and why many other programs do not work. Get Started Now!

Call today for a FREE CONSULTATION: 516-986-9512

Call Us Today For A Free Consultation!

CALL 516-986-9512

Lost 60 lbs. in 11 Weeks
"I'm super excited about the weight loss and also the new way of living. I'm more agile, I'm not losing my breath, my blood pressure dropped, and I'm really enjoying the fact of buying new clothes."
Lost 102 lbs. and kept it off for 8 years
"Dr. Goodman is an amazing coach and inspiration. He has helped me tremendously along my weight loss journey.  He helped me develop healthy lifestyle habits I needed to maintain my lower weight for years. This program is unlike any I have ever tried."
Lost 32 lbs. of fat in 8 Weeks
"This man changed my life and he will change yours. He has been by my side for over 2 years and he always takes my calls no matter what ever time I need him. He is incredible. Thank you for your Incredible support."
Lost 93 lbs. and kept it off for over 2 years
"Thanks to Dr Goodman I have lost 93 pounds and I have kept it off for over two years. I eat real food (and I love food by the way) until I am full and satisfied. I do not count calories and my health has improved Incredibly."

Discover Your Healthiest Body

We will help you meet each and every one of your weight loss goals fast!

CALL 516-986-9512

Hear What Patients Like You Are Saying About Us:


I'm super excited about the weight loss and also the new way of living. I'm more agile, I'm not losing my breath, my blood pressure dropped, and I'm really enjoying the fact of buying new clothes.

The Myth Of Healthy Foods

Believe it or not, many of the foods and snacks marked “healthy” in stores are actually bad for you. They’re packed with sugars and artificial ingredients that spike your blood sugar and promote fat gain.

Why Choose Me?
Dedicated to Healthy, Natural Weight Loss in Long Island, New York

The Most 5-Star Reviews On Google For Weight Loss In The Long Island Area

My program was developed by my personal weight loss journey. After spending thousands of dollars on weight loss programs and gimmicks, I realized there had to be a better way. I had tried everything to lose weight including injections and other appetite suppressant medicines that the medical weight loss centers told me to take, and nothing helped.

I went to group meetings, spent thousands on personal trainers, counted points, bought prepackaged foods and finally I had a gastric bypass, which not only caused me serious long lasting complications, it left me with no nutritional guidance as to how to keep the weight off and left me nutritionally deficient. On top of all of that, I regained all my weight.

My struggle to lose 150 pounds and successfully keep it off is what differentiates me from all the rest. It is one thing to study weight loss in a classroom setting, but another to walk in the same shoes as my patients. This has made me much more empathetic and determined to help people lose weight and regain their health and self-confidence along the way.

This lead me to develop my protocols. Every holistic expert that I learned from and studied under, all expressed the need to detoxify, purify, renew, and restore the way my digestion system works. Imagine that when digestion works, the weight will come off and stay off. Call us today at
516-986-9512 to learn about discovering the best possible you. - Dr. Howard Goodman, DC

Detoxify Your Digestive System

Change Your Relationship With Food

Personalized Exercise Performed With You One-On-One

We Use the Latest Weight Loss Technology

See how it works on this segment of Long Island Naturally!

CALL 516-986-9512

Real Patients! Real Results! Real Fast!

Call 516-986-9512 now for your Free, No Obligation Consultation to see if we can help you to reach your weight and health goals. Live operators available from 9am-7pm, 7 days per week. Extremely limited - serious callers only.

*Our exclusive Stick With You Guarantee - If patient does not lose at least 30 lbs. within the specified time agreed upon by patient and doctor, doctor’s visits and support will continue at no additional cost. We will give you unlimited time and support until you do. You may have seen other programs promoting significant weight loss in 40 days, but we feel that may not be realistic or safe. We put the health of our patients' first and design the most effective and safe weight loss program for long-lasting results.

Disclaimer: Results may vary from individual to individual. This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Some restrictions may apply. Dr. Howard Goodman is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic in the State of NY.

Check Out Our 5-Star Reviews From Around the Web!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose your program?

I have struggled with obesity my entire adult life, and I have found a solution to my problem. This solution has successfully helped over 7,500 people just like me lose weight and keep it off for over 12 years.

Why do I struggle to lose weight?

If you have tried every type of weight loss method and failed, it is not your fault. Conventional weight loss methods today could be the cause of your weight gain. Yo-yo dieting destroys your metabolism and makes you gain back more weight than you lost. With my method, we teach you how weight loss works so that you can restore your body to weight loss and fat burning mode, all naturally.

How much does your program cost?

Everybody has different needs when it comes to weight loss and might require a small amount of time and products, as well as customized services and workouts. Some require more time and services. We have programs to fit every budget. We take the worry out of this question by giving you a free, no-obligation consultation. You can come in, see our program, take a demo on our amazing equipment, and see for yourself why so many people have chosen us, compared to every other system out there.

We have a program to fit everyone's budget.

What does insurance cover?

Insurance covers blood work and diagnostic testing.                                                                                                                                            

Call Us Today For A Free Consultation 516-986-9512


50 Merrick Avenue

Merrick, NY 11566


P: 516-986-9512


Monday           10AM-7PM

Tuesday           10AM-7PM

Wednesday     10AM-7PM

Thursday         10AM-7PM

Friday                      Closed

Saturday          10AM-7PM

Sunday                    Closed